Thursday, September 29, 2011

For Sunday

Worship is at 10:30AM with Holy Communion. The morning message is “Who Is My Neighbor?"
        Special Music is provided by our Praise Band.
        Sunday School for kids and adults at 9:00AM.            
        2:00PM Holy Communion at Aberdeen Rehabilitation Center, 1700 N Hwy 281. 

Saturday is UMW meeting

October starts off with a United Methodist Women meeting at Ruth Eberhart's.
10:00AM 1901 3rd Ave.  Only guessing, but I'll bet the fall rummage and bake sale will be an item under discussion.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Services available on audio

Services from Faith are now in audio format. Links to the files at Internet Archive are now in the column on the right. If you click a link, you will be taken to the Internet Archive site. There, you may either click on separate files or the play button icon on a media player.

College students far from home who wish to hear the services, families traveling who'd like to keep up on happenings, or sick members who can't come to a service can now all access the audio portion of the worship service. Thanks go to Bob and Jon Seaton for recording and making the services available to the public.

Back to regular service time

Faith Church will start at the normal time, 10:30 a.m., Sunday. And Sunday school will be at 9. Kathy and Pastor Jack left early this week so they could make it to the Groton UMC 125th anniversary.

Faith kids illustrate Bible stories

Kids at Faith Church are illustrating Bible stories using MIT's Scratch programming application. Scratch is a program that allows kids to draw, paint, animate, and to mix sound effects and vocals to create imaginative games and animations. This Sunday, the first project was completed, and the other two are nearly done. Check the kids page for updates. To see the first completed project, click here.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Early start tomorrow

Faith Church starts at 10 tomorrow. Services will resume at the normal 10:30 time the following week. This early time allows Pastor Jack to attend an event at 11 afterwards. Sunday school will be at nine, as usual, but will simply be shortened. The sermon for tomorrow is titled Christians in Retreat.

Monday, September 5, 2011

What's happening at Faith?

We hope to see Pastor Jack and Kathy this week. Sunday school has started for adults and kids. The young adult online/on-site hybrid class is still a few weeks away. Naomi Seaton made it safely to Wales. The UMW has set a date for its fall rummage and bake sale: Saturday, Oct. 29. Check out the new Faith United Methodist Women site here.