Thursday, August 30, 2012

What's happening? LOTS!

Jack & Kathy are in Huron & Custer & will return 9/15th. 
Art M. & Evelyn Cooper will lead services 9/2 & 9/9.

Sunday, September 2
10:30AM Worship
Art gives the message: Inside, Outside, Upside, Downside
Sunday, September 9
10:30 a.m. is United Methodist Women Sunday
Evelyn Cooper speaks on how
Love is the Answer  

Sunday School for kids and adults 
begins on September 9 at 9 a.m.

Kids will be studying personalities 
in both Old and New Testaments
 and taking part in 
weekly Children's Message dramatic pieces

Sunday, September 30thworship & potluck at Erickson’s – 811 4th Ave in Britton.

Coming in October “TRIFLES & TREASURES”

……an alternative to your ordinary rummage sale!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Coming up

Here's what's coming...
Sunday, August 26
10:30 a.m. Worship service.
    Sermon: “Patty, Cindy, Margaret & Pam”
    Music by Faith's Musicians
    Children's Word by the Children of Faith
Wednesday, August 29
12-2:00 p.m. Faith Prayer Group

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Stil time to not bake

The UMW still has its No-bake Sale going on. There is still time to not bake breads, not bake cookies, not bake pies, cakes, kuchens or donuts. See Treasurer Donna Seaton or President Margaret Rieger if you have a donation to replace your non-baked items.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Missing the Mark

 Faith has an active week this week.
 On Saturday, UMW meets at Ruth Eberhart's home in the Carlyle Apartments at 10 a.m.
 On Sunday, the worship service starts at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Jack will give the message "Missing the Mark." 
 Faith Musicians will provide music and the kids will provide the children's message. 
 On Wednesday, the prayer group meets from noon to 2 p.m. and the area United Methodist pastors meet Friday morning at the Millstone (8:30 a.m.).