Friday, January 29, 2016

What's up for Sunday

Faith Church observes the 4th week of Epiphany this week.
Sunday school starts at 9 a.m. and worship at 10:30. Barista Lee Schaunaman will likely be there to fill coffee cups between Sunday school and worship, during the fellowship time.
 If you haven't picked up a Faith Church coffee mug, there are still a few left in the narthex.

This week, the message is titled, "Who Would God Save?" and Pastor Jack will be in Luke 4.

Hymns in the service include Praise to the Lord, the Almighty; What a Friend we have in Jesus; and Take Time to Be Holy.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

New Week

Sunday, Pastor Jack will be in the book of Nehemiah with a message called "We're Still at It."
This week's events:  Narcotics Anonymous - Tues., Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m.  Thurs. Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m.  Sat. Jan. 30,  8 p.m.
Prayer Meeting - Wed., Jan. 27, noon to 2 p.m.
Sunday, after the service, the board meeting that was postponed from last week will take place.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Subzero Sunday school

Because temps could reach 21 below zero in the morning, with wind chill temps to 38 below, Sunday school for kids will not meet in the morning. If you know anyone planning to be there, please let them know of this change. Thanks!

We'll meet again next Sunday, 9 a.m.!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What's up for Sunday

Faith Church observes Epiphany 2, Sunday.
Sunday school begins at 9 a.m., followed by a coffee and fellowship time at 10 or so.

Worship is at 10:30. The message is "One in Spirit," from I Corinthians.
Hymns include I Love to Tell the Story, Jesus Calls Us and God of Grace, God of Glory.
A board meeting follows the service.

Saturday, Jan. 16, Narcotics Anonymous meets at 8 p.m. at the church.

January greeters are Rod and Cindy Schick, the usher is Linda Lang. Lay Leader is Bob Seaton. Organist is Donna Seaton. Barista is Lee Schaunaman.