Saturday, November 27, 2021

A Time to Wait

 It's Advent season, and Faith Church celebrates the coming of Christ! This week we light the candle of light. 

 Pastor Jack gives the message A Time to Wait during the morning worship service, and he'll be reading from Isaiah 9.

 Faith is still collecting for the Harvest Festival. Funds will go to Safe Harbor and the Salvation Army.

 On Dec. 12, after the worship service, Faith will share a pizza dinner in the fellowship hall.

Moving on up

 Members of Faith Church gathered over Thanksgiving weekend to help a 100-year-old move to a new place. Even Sebby was able to help. Because so many were able to pitch in, the job was done in just a few short hours. Thanks to all the happy help

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Five Small Ships

 Faith Church met this morning for the last service of the Pentecost season. Pastor Jack spoke on Ephesians 5 and Psalm 126 with a message: Five Small Ships. He spoke of the disciples' boat on Galilee, Paul's boat in the Mediterranean, a certain Viking Ship, Columbus' ships and the Mayflower, all of which made the way for the gospel to travel across the globe.

The church is thankful for many things, but it was particularly thankful today for Aberdeen Community Theater and Scott Yuille for donating a wonderful meal. Members and visitors were fed to the full.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Why Put it Off?

 Faith Church meets tomorrow with a 10:30 a.m. worship service at which Pastor Jack will give the message, Why Put it Off? Mark 1 will be the text. Suncay school starts with music at 9 a.m. and

Bible study for kids and adults at 9:35.

The church will receive Harvest Festival donations through Dec. 31. Harvest gifts will go to the Salvation Army and Safe Harbor, and the church will match whatever offerings come in for this.

Dec. 12, the church will hold its first potluck since Covid pandemic measures shut things down. This will be held after the morning worship service.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

No Pockets

 The message tomorrow is called No Pockets, and Pastor Jack will be in Mark 12 during the worship service.

 Sunday school begins at 9 a.m. with music, followed by Bible study at 9:35 a.m. A time of fellowship and coffee follows Sunday school, with worship beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary.

 Harvest Festival is ongoing, with donations matched by the church for the Salvation Army and Safe Harbor.

 Receipts from Ken's and Kessler's are still being accepted for the Dollars for Scholars program, benefitting the Prairie Schole group.

Also, Ruth Eberhart will be moving soon and can use boxes for the move. If you have some to spare, please see Donna Marmorstein.