Friday, December 30, 2011

Jesus is Born. So What?

That's the message for Sunday. We will have Sunday school at 9 a.m., followed by a time of coffee and fellowship, and then the 10:30 service. At 2, there will be a Service of Holy Communion at Aberdeen Health & Rehabilitation Center, 1700 N Hwy 281. 

Wednesday, January 4:
    12noon to 2:00PM: Our Prayer Group meets in the Church Lounge.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas services

Faith will have a Christmas Eve Vespers service, a Service of Carols & Candles. The sermon is titled "Immanuel"
On Christmas, worship is at 10:30 a.m. The sermon: "God Rest You Merry."

Friday, December 9, 2011

Candle of Joy

Here's what is going on Sunday, December 11th. It's the 3rd Sunday in Advent, "Candle of Joy."   Sunday School for all ages is at 9:00AM. The kids will be working on the Christmas play and there is still time to join. We are still looking for a bird cage, decoys, gold costume jewelry, rubber chickens.
    Worship is at 10:30AM. The morning message will be “......and Living Among Us"
    We will have a New Member reception during worship.
    Special Music is provided by Faith Musicians.
    11:30AM Administrative Board in the Lounge

Monday, November 28, 2011

Advent Services

                                              FAITH UNITED
                                        METHODIST CHURCH
                                   503 S. Jay Street, Aberdeen, SD
                                 Jack Erickson, pastor + 448-2900
                                9:00AM Sunday School + 10:30AM Worship
               Dec.  4 -- 10:30AM - Advent 2 - The Candle of Prophecy
                        Malachi 3.1-4 "Perhaps Not What We Expect”
                 Dec. 11 -- 10:30AM - Advent 3 - The Candle of Joy
                        Philippians 4.4-7 “….and Living Among Us”
         Dec. 18 -- 10:30AM - Advent 4 - The Candle of Righteousness
                          Luke 1:46-56  “Mary, a Revolutionary?”
                            Dec. 24 -- 5:00PM  CHRISTMAS EVE
                                     Luke 2:1-20  "Immanuel"
                           Dec. 25 --  10:30AM CHRISTMAS DAY
                      Colossians 3.12-17 “God Rest You Merry”

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Advent begins

Sunday, November 27th: 1st Sunday in Adbent
Sunday School for all ages is at 9:00AM.
Worship is at 10:30AM. The morning message will be “Ben & Perry”
Special Music is provided by Faith Musicians.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What's really important?

Sunday, worship is at 10:30AM. The morning message will be “What Is Really Important? (or…what is it for which we ought really to be giving thanks?)
Special Music is provided by Faith Musicians.
Wednesday, November 23rd: Our Prayer Group meets at the church from 12noon-2:00PM.
Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 23rd, 7:00PM: joint United Methodist Services(Faith, First & North Highland UMCs) at First UMC

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall back

It's that time again, the return to standard time. That means we are supposed to gain an hour. You can show up to church an hour early, or you can set the clock back. You CAN turn back the clock after all.

UMW ladies are meeting Saturday, November 5th at 10:00AM at Bertha Brenner’s, 1901 Prospect Ave.

Sunday morning, 9:00AM Sunday school.
10:30AM Worship with Holy Communion.  The morning message is The Gift of Love."
Special Music is provided by our Praise Band.
2:00PM Holy Communion at Aberdeen Rehabilitation Center, 1700 N Hwy 281. .

Details:             605-448-2900 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Large turnout

Visitors surged into the church for the UMW rummage and bake sale Saturday. Baked goods sold quickly, and so did the many houseplants. Janice Jungwirth of Redfield won the quilt. The tsunami pelican mobile will remain in the church a while longer.  Sale items and baked goods left over from the sale will be available to those in church tomorrow.

Tomorrow, the morning message will be “Gonna Take a Sentimental Journey” or "Jesus Can't Be Cozily Domesticated!"
Special Music is provided by Faith Musicians.
Again this week, Administrative Board meets after worship in the lounge.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rummage and Bake Sale

The United Methodist Women will be holding its fall Rummage and Bake Sale Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Aberdeen, SD. Basement tables are filled with all sorts of items. Wonderful stacks of fabric for holiday sewing projects -- almost an entire table filled with fabric. Dishes and novelties of all kinds are lining tables, books, linens, bedding, car care items, sports action figures still in original packaging,

A large quilt will be raffled off, as well as a Tsunami swan mobile fashioned by the kids' Sunday school class. Most swan figures have a Bible verse or Haiku inside. (Proceeds of this go to Japan for aid to tsunami victims)

A room of free items is also ready for the sale. All clothes are free. Many jeans and shorts, shirts and blouses, many in surprisingly good condition are available for FREE. The free room also includes unusual items: a bucket full of wooden spools, an exercise bike, lamps, some books, shoes, balls.

UMW uses the profits from the sale to aid local charity groups and worldwide missions.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Admin. board meeting, music up next

This Sunday, the morning message will be “Steeple or Service Station?"
    Faith Musicians will provide special music. Administrative board meets after worship in the lounge. Informal music presentation at 12:15 p.m. by Michael Marmorstein.
    Flyers announcing the UMW rummage and bake sale will be available to pass out to friends and to pin on community bulletin boards. There is still time to clean closets, basements and attics to rustle up items for the sale. Tools, linens, fabric, crafts, furniture all should sell well.
  We are looking forward to welcoming Donna Seaton back from Wales. She arrived safely Friday night.

(Photo shamelessly stolen from Naomi's blog)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's on for Sunday

Pastor Jack and Kathy will be at Jack's 50th high school reunion this week. Meanwhile, the UMW women are gearing up for the fall rummage and bake sale, pricing items and preparing for Saturday, Oct. 29. Sunday, Art Marmorstein will be sharing the morning message. The  kids have been animating Bible stories and will continue their projects Sunday.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

For Sunday

Worship is at 10:30AM with Holy Communion. The morning message is “Who Is My Neighbor?"
        Special Music is provided by our Praise Band.
        Sunday School for kids and adults at 9:00AM.            
        2:00PM Holy Communion at Aberdeen Rehabilitation Center, 1700 N Hwy 281.