Friday, April 29, 2011

For this week

Sunday, May 1, Sunday school for children and adults begins at 9 a.m. Worship is at 10:30 a.m., including Holy Communion, and featuring special music by our praise band.
The morning message is “Sit under a fig tree lately?" A 2 p.m. service of Holy Communion will be at Aberdeen Health and Rehabilitation Center, 1700 N. Hwy. 281. Our prayer group meets Wednesday, 12 to 2 p.m.  At 10 a.m. Saturday, May 7, United Methodist Women meet at Bertha Brenner's, 1902 Prospect Ave. Details: (605) 448-2900

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday service is at 10:30 a.m.!

Rejoice with us!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good Friday Service

Faith United Methodist Church will hold a Good Friday service at noon Friday. All are welcome!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Week Services

During this HOLY WEEK our schedule is:
Wednesday, April 20: Our Prayer Group meets Wednesday, 12-2:00PM. 
Thursday, April 21: MAUNDY THURSDAY Communion (always open communion) is at Faith at 7:00PM.
Friday, April 22 is GOOD FRIDAY: We will hold a service of Prayer and Song at 12 Noon.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Holy Week coming!

This Sunday, April 17th, is PALM SUNDAY: Sunday School for children and adults begins at 9:00AM. Worship is at 10:30AM, featuring Special Music by our Praise Band.  
The morning message is  “Reach Out & Touch”.

Administrative Board will meet right after worship.
During this HOLY WEEK our schedule is:
Wednesday, April 20: Our Prayer Group meets Wednesday, 12-2:00PM. 
Thursday, April 21: MAUNDY THURSDAY Communion is at Faith at 7:00PM.
Friday, April 22 is GOOD FRIDAY: We will hold a service of Prayer and Song at 12 Noon.
Details: 605-448-2900

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Faith church met together Sunday and enjoyed good fellowship and worship.
The praise band sang a song of peace. Pastor Jack was in John 10. He spoke on the Good Shepherd and gave an illustration of "the good doctor," a doctor in Deadwood who treated people from all walks of life, with a gentle, kind attitude.

We are looking forward to Palm Sunday coming up next, and then a Maundy Thursday service -- and a Good Friday service here at Faith at noon. The board will meet after the service this Sunday.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Morning Service

This Sunday, April 10th, Sunday School for children and adults begins at 9:00AM. Worship is at 10:30AM,
featuring Special Music by our Praise Band.  
The morning message is  “I Am the Good Shepherd".
Our Prayer Group meets Wednesday, 12-2:00PM. 
Our Lenten Vespers are at 1st UMC 12:05 & 6:00PM.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sunday service

Sunday, Faith Church celebrated Holy Communion. We looked at an often-overlooked passage in John 12. Pastor Jack read verses 20-22 where Greeks asked disciples if they could see Jesus. Pastor Jack spoke of the Greeks being a people who liked exploring and liked seeking out new things, and he encouraged us to be seekers of Christ.

New church directories were handed out.