Friday, February 26, 2016

True Satisfaction

Faith meets Sunday at 9 a.m. for Sunday school and 10:30 a.m. for worship.
The message this week is "True Satisfaction," and Pastor Jack will be looking at Psalm 63.

Hymns in the service include Sing Praise to God, All Praise to our Redeeming Lord and O Lord, Through these Forty Days.

Monday, February 22, 2016

World Day of Prayer celebrated at Faith Church this year

 Women, men and children in more than 170 countries and regions will celebrate World Day of Prayer this week. Four area churches will take part in the World Day of Prayer event at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 6, at Faith United Methodist Church in Aberdeen.
  First United Methodist, North Highlands United Methodist and Bath United Methodist will gather at Faith to join an ecumenical effort towards justice, peace, healing and wholeness, in solidarity with the World Day of Prayer (observed in many congregations throughout the world on Friday).
  This year’s focus is on Cuba. Through the worship service, participants learn of Jesus’ profound teaching of acceptance as he states, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”
  The offering helps meet needs of families in Cuba and around the world who are victims of poverty, violence and injustice.
   World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year.
  Services begin March 4 at Sunrise in the Pacific and follow the sun across the globe on the day of celebration, while others join in when they are able.
  Each year a different country’s committee serves as writers of the World Day of Prayer worship service.
  For more information, contact Margaret Rieger 605-725-9246 or the national office of World Day of Prayer USA (

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Public Meeting on Syrian Christian Refugees

Thought it would be good to repost this to bring it to the top.

On Sunday, February 21, at 2:30 p.m., Faith Church will host a public meeting in the sanctuary to provide an opportunity for discussion regarding the possibility of local church sponsorship for Christian Syrian refugees.
Several local churches have already agreed to participate. Carlyle Richards will be present to provide information and answer questions.
If this effort goes forward, it’s anticipated that it will likely take about two years before any sponsored refugees come to the Aberdeen community.

Busy Week at Faith Church

   Much is going on this week at Faith Church.
Sunday school begins at 9 a.m. for kids and adults.    Coffee time follows around 10 or so.
   Worship starts at 10:30 a.m.
   The message this week is Tenderness and Courage, and Pastor Jack will be in Luke 13.
   Hymns this week include How Firm a Foundation, He Leadeth Me and Lord of the Dance.

   After the service, there will be a congregational photo shoot for the next generation of coffee mugs.

   At 2:30 p.m., Faith Church opens its doors for a meeting about welcoming Christian Syrian Refugees.    Several area churches are interested in finding ways to help Christian refugees relocate to the area. Christian refugees are often not safe in Syrian refugee camps and as a result, are left behind when opportunities come for groups like the Red Cross to move people, since the organizations go to the camps to find those who need help.

   Pastor Jack also shared some information about weaving plastic bags into mats for the homeless:

If you are a homeless person sleeping outside on the ground during winter, a
blanket barely masks the frigid cold pressed against your body. The goal is to find
something to lie on top of that puts an insulated barrier between you and the
A group of women in Washburn, North Dakota discovered an innovative and
inexpensive solution, using plastic bags to make sleeping mats and pillows. Women
gather each Wednesday at Washburn United Methodist Church to weave mats on
homemade looms.
“This is God’s project,” said Peggy Hights, the group leader and member of
Washburn United Methodist Church. “The oil boom in North Dakota has created
an increase in the homeless. This is one way we can help.”
It all started in the winter of 2015 when Hights visited her family in San Diego
“My grandkids invited me to their youth group where they making the mats and
pillows. They knew I was a crafter and quilter. I went and within 30 minutes I was
hooked. What I saw was so neat.”
Hights returned to North Dakota with hope and passion to make mats and pillows
for those who were homeless in her area. Western North Dakota is home to the
Bakken Oil Rush where people are struggling with housing and basic needs.
Originally the housing market was pricing the average worker out of place to live.
Now the oil markets are in decline brought on by oversupply in the global energy
markets, fueled by a deep recession in China. As a result, companies started to lay
off workers or cut back on hours. The result has been an increased need for the
basics and a growing number of people who are homeless. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Coffee Mug photo shoot

Sunday, Feb. 21, during the morning worship time,
 10:30-11:30 a.m.,
a Congregation Photo will be  taken to appear
 on our “second generation” Coffee Cups
and for other uses as well!
Pass the word, members, friends and visitors, 
and plan now to attend.

Come early and join us for coffee and refreshments!

Public Meeting on Syrian Christian refugees this Sunday

On Sunday, February 21, at 2:30 p.m., Faith Church will host a public meeting in the sanctuary to provide an opportunity for discussion regarding the possibility of local church sponsorship for Christian Syrian refugees. 
 Several local churches have already agreed to participate. Carlyle Richards will be present to provide information and answer questions. 
 If this effort goes forward, it’s anticipated that it will likely take about two years before any sponsored refugees come to the Aberdeen community. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ash Wednesday

The season of Lent begins today. Faith Church has no Ash Wednesday services, but other United Methodist churches in town do.

First Church offers services at noon and 6:33 p.m., and North Highlands offers a 6:30 p.m. service.

Monday, February 1, 2016

When God Calls

This week, the prayer group meets Wednesday at the church at noon.

Narcotics Anonymous meets at the church Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 8.

Sunday is Communion Sunday at Faith Church.

Sunday school, as usual, is at 9 a.m. and worship is at 10:30 , with a fellowship time sandwiched in between.
The message this week is from Jeremiah 1, and is titled "When God Calls."

Because of so many new faces at church, we are providing name tags to help us all get to know each other better. If you don't find a tag with your name on it, contact Kathy Erickson, and let her know.