Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This week

Sunday, Bob and Art managed to escort us through the service while Pastor Jack and Kathy were taking care of little grandson Devin in Milwaukee. "Tough duty, but someone has to do it," was the message in the bulletin.

Ted Kneebone gave the children's message and talked about worry and worrying. Art's message "Sufficient evil," tried to reconcile the Ants with the Grasshoppers. The praise band, as well as the psalmist-guitar crew, Ted and Bob, provided a great time of thoughtful music.

Jack and Kathy are to be back in the area on Thursday. 
 “Ready When You Are!”  is the title of Pastor Jack's message. 

We will offer a 2 p.m. service of Holy Communion at Aberdeen Health and Rehabilitation Center, 1700 N. Hwy 281.

As usual, our prayer group meets Wednesdays from 12 to 2 p.m.

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